Online course 

Aligning business with planetary boundaries

Open-Eyed Planning 101 teaches you how to escape 16  misleading assumptions. These are 16 fundamentals for making better business decisions in the 21st century.

Price: $150
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          About the course  

          Companies (like Patagonia) pay $3000 for us to spend 4 hours with them, discussing what it means for businesses that the economy is bumping into planetary boundaries.

          We have distilled that to 90 minutes of video
          - 16 on-demand lessons
          - 100+ further readings

          For the 16 assumptions, we:

          1: Illustrate why they are misleading, based on scientific data

          2: Give examples of what they look like in the business world

          3: Offer suggestions on how to escape the assumptions by thinking differently

          4: Present our learnings from how to start a conversation about them in a business

          16 fundamentals for making better business decisions in the 21st century

          Get 50% discount when we launch

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