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Introduction to Degrowth and Post Growth Thinking

Dec 21, 2024


📌 A good place to start your journey if you are new to Degrowth and Post Growth.

What’s included: Where to Start, Deep dive and 5 Books, 5 Podcats, and 5 Articles

A curated list of our favorite books, podcasts, academic publications, and articles will give you a fundamental understanding of Degrowth and Post Growth thinking.

Get started with these two lightweight resources.

Podcast: Melanie Rieback: Business As A Vehicle For Degrowth" by What If We Get It Right?

Short Article: "Green growth or 'degrowth'? That is the question" - an article by Corporate Knights

Deep Dive

1 Article, podcast, and book for a very solid understanding

Article: Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help

Podcast: "Timothée Parrique: "Degrowth: Slow is the new cool" by The Great Simplification by Nate Hagens.

Book: Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows.

5 Books

- Doughnut Economics, Kate Raworth
- Reclaiming The Commons, Vandana Shiva
- Less is more: How Degrowth Will Save The World, Jason Hickel
- Small is beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, E. F. Schumacher
Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows.

5 Podcasts

- Timothée Parrique: "Degrowth: Slow is the new cool
- Less is more for more: Degrowth, sustainability and equality - Jason Hickel
- Post Growth Economics with Donnie Maclurcan
- Documentary #14: The Green Transition Pt. 1 - The Problem With Green Capitalism
Melanie Rieback: Business As A Vehicle For Degrowth

5 Articles

  1. "A response to Paul Krugman: Growth is not as green as you might think" - a blog by Timothée Parrique LINK
  2. "A response to The Economist: Shut up and let me grow" - a blog by Timothée Parrique LINK
  3. "Green growth or 'degrowth'? That is the question" - an article by Corporate Knights LINK
  4. Degrowth can work. Here's how science can help - a comment by Jason Hicke LINK
  5. "Growth must end. Our economist friends don't seem to understand" by Jonathan Watts. LINK

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